"The Hanuman Effect" = Cultivating & Carving our Minds
Our body and mind is ever evolving. While our body grows older, our mind grows younger. At least, that’s how it is supposed to be. How come our minds grow younger? Well, the more you learn, the more you understand simple facts of life, the more your mind can process information and channelize it through right sources. The same statement you read a year back might mean entirely different when it is read today. This is why we have to give special attention to our mental growth. None of us want to go backwards. The first step in order to grow is to understand oneself. Now understanding oneself is easier said than done. But if a person has enough time to notice himself, retrospect his thoughts and actions, and have the humility to learn from others, and accept the beauty in differences, that is when he start being self aware. Ego is the enemy of self awareness. Why is that so? Ego makes you look through a tainted glass, and reality of you and the people you look at, is stained resp...