Ganapati / Ganesha / Vigneshwara
Ganesha has an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. He is the Vignakarta (Obstacle-creator) and Vignahartra (Obstacle- averter). He is the lord of learning, the lord of intelligence. His two wives are Budhi (Intelligence) and Sidhi (accomplishment, success, spiritual power, psychic ability). Before I start explaining my observation, I wanted to make few facts straight. I'm a true believer, and I love and cherish the process of meditating on Lord Ganesha. This article is intended to demonstrate the depth of symbolism in Hinduism. It is solely my opinion from observational experimentation. According to me, there is a reason why Lord Ganesha represents himself with an elephant head. Those intelligent Yogis who decrypted the cosmic knowledge, who harnessed the power and knowledge to understand the deepest science related to astronomy, astrology, pharmacology, anatomy, etc might have had a solid reason to visualize G...